The iconic L'Interdit white flower bouquet opens with the immediate, luminous freshness of a trio of citrus notes blending Orange, Bergamot, and Mandarin. At the heart of the fragrance, Tuberose and Jasmine unfold with the iconic four facets of Orange Blossom: essence, concrete, absolute, and pure extract. In contrast, the dark base envelops warm Vetiver and Patchouli in the voluptuous depths of Cistus Flower leathery notes, Musk, and creamy Sandalwood. A distinctly sensual fragrance that embraces and envelops the skin. The emblematic L'Interdit bottle reveals a slimmer shape with a sharper 4G tassel for a unique couture style. Designed with a 10% reduction in glass weight, the new L'Interdit Eau de Toilette bottle is exquisitely crafted in recycled glass* by a French glassmaker.